Chris Buxton - a dedication to a friend
Our dojo would not be what it is today without the years of guidance, friendship and good company at a bar than that provided by our dear, late friend, Chris Buxton who passed away on 7th November 2018.
Chris was one of the fairest people who I ever met. He was respectful without being sycophantic, he was tough without being a bully and he would gladly stand in front of a train if it meant saving someone else.
His dedication to the arts and to the BKA was matchless. I have never known anyone who worked so hard to achieve his two 7th dan grades in iaido and jodo. Even when he failed his exams he would take it on the chin and carry on.
At any opportunity to enjoy himself, to eat, drink, dance and have a good time, he would take it. He brought light and a feeling that everyone and everything would "just be fine" wherever he went.
We miss him dearly and he will always be in our minds, our hearts and the lessons we learned from him.
There is a full dedication to him on Facebook at Chris Buxton - A Memory of a Bushi